subsection‹Formalization of Simulink Blocks as Predicate Transformers›
theory Simulink
imports Complex_Main "../Feedback/TransitionFeedback" SimulinkTypes
declare comp_skip [simp del]
declare skip_comp [simp del]
declare prod_skip_skip [simp del]
declare fail_comp [simp del]
declare [[show_sorts=false]]
definition "UnitVal = ()"
definition "Constant c = [: x::unit ↝ y. y = c:]"
lemma Constant_func: "Constant c = [- x ↝ c-]"
by (simp add: Constant_def update_def)
definition "Inport = Skip"
definition "Gain k = [:x ↝ y. y = x * k:]"
lemma Gain_func: "Gain k = [- x ↝ x * k-]"
by (simp add: update_def Gain_def)
definition "Square = [:x ↝ y. y = x * x:]"
lemma Square_func: "Square = [- x ↝ x * x-]"
by (simp add: update_def Square_def)
definition "Power = [: (x, y) ↝ z. z = x ^ y:]"
lemma Power_func: "Power = [- x, y ↝ x ^ y-]"
by (simp add: Power_def update_def split_def)
definition "Power10 = [: x ↝ y. y = 10 ^ x:]"
lemma Power10_func: "Power10 = [- x ↝ 10 ^ x-]"
by (simp add: Power10_def update_def)
definition "Exp = [: x ↝ y. y = s_exp x :]"
lemma Exp_func: "Exp = [- x ↝ s_exp x-]"
by (simp add: Exp_def update_def)
definition "Ln = [: x ↝ y. y = s_ln x:]"
lemma Ln_func: "Ln = [- x ↝ s_ln x-]"
by (simp add: Ln_def update_def)
definition "Sqrt = {. x. x ≥ 0 .} ∘ [:x ↝ y. y = s_sqrt x:]"
lemma Sqrt_func: "Sqrt = {. x. x ≥ 0 .} ∘ [- x ↝ s_sqrt x-]"
by (simp add: update_def Sqrt_def)
definition "Outport = Skip"
definition "Scope = Skip"
definition "Terminator = [: x ↝ (u::unit). True:]"
lemma Terminator_func: "Terminator = [- x ↝ ()-]"
by (simp add: Terminator_def update_def)
definition "Integrator dt = [:(x,s) ↝ (y, s'). y = s ∧ s' = s + x * dt:]"
lemma Integrator_func: "Integrator dt = [-x, s ↝ s, s + x * dt-]"
apply (simp add: Integrator_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f = demonic in HOL.arg_cong)
by fast
definition "IntegratorA = [:s ↝ y. y = s:]"
lemma IntegratorA_func: "IntegratorA = [-id-]"
by (simp add: IntegratorA_def update_def)
definition "IntegratorB dt = [:(x,s) ↝ s'. s' = s + x * dt:]"
lemma IntegratorB_func: "IntegratorB dt = [- x, s ↝ s + x * dt-]"
apply (simp add: IntegratorB_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f = demonic in HOL.arg_cong)
by fast
definition "IntegratorLimit high low dt = [: (x, s) ↝ (y, s'). y = s ∧ s' = (If s + x * dt > high Then high Else If s + x * dt < low Then low Else s + x * dt):]"
lemma IntegratorLimit_func : "IntegratorLimit high low dt = [- x, s ↝ s, If s + x * dt > high Then high Else If s + x * dt < low Then low Else s + x * dt -]"
apply (simp add: IntegratorLimit_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f = demonic in arg_cong)
by fast
definition "IntegratorLimitA = [:s ↝ y. y = s:]"
lemma IntegratorLimitA_func: "IntegratorLimitA = [- id -]"
by (simp add: IntegratorLimitA_def update_def)
definition "IntegratorLimitB high low dt = [: (x, s) ↝ y. y = (If s + x * dt > high Then high Else If s + x * dt < low Then low Else s + x * dt) :]"
lemma IntegratorLimitB_func: "IntegratorLimitB high low dt = [- x, s ↝ If s + x * dt > high Then high Else If s + x * dt < low Then low Else s + x * dt -]"
apply (simp add: IntegratorLimitB_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f = demonic in arg_cong)
by fast
definition "Saturation low_limit high_limit = [: x ↝ y.
y = (If x < low_limit Then low_limit
Else If x > high_limit Then high_limit
Else x):]"
lemma Saturation_func: "Saturation low_limit high_limit =
[- x ↝ If x < low_limit Then low_limit
Else If x > high_limit Then high_limit
Else x-]"
by (simp add: Saturation_def update_def)
definition "Relay low_limit high_limit value_low value_high = [: x, s ↝ y, s' .
y = (If high_limit ≤ x Then value_high
Else (If x ≤ low_limit Then value_low Else s))
∧ s' = y :]"
lemma Relay_func: "Relay low_limit high_limit value_low value_high =
[- x, s ↝ If high_limit ≤ x Then value_high Else If x ≤ low_limit Then value_low Else s,
If high_limit ≤ x Then value_high Else If x ≤ low_limit Then value_low Else s-]"
apply (simp add: Relay_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f = demonic in HOL.arg_cong)
by fast
definition "RelayA low_limit high_limit value_low value_high = [: x, s ↝ y .
y = (If high_limit ≤ x Then value_high
Else (If x ≤ low_limit Then value_low Else s)) :]"
lemma RelayA_func: "RelayA low_limit high_limit value_low value_high =
[- x, s ↝ If high_limit ≤ x Then value_high Else If x ≤ low_limit Then value_low Else s-]"
apply (simp add: RelayA_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f = demonic in HOL.arg_cong)
by fast
definition "RelayB low_limit high_limit value_low value_high = [: x, s ↝ s' .
s' = (If high_limit ≤ x Then value_high
Else (If x ≤ low_limit Then value_low Else s)) :]"
lemma RelayB_func: "RelayB low_limit high_limit value_low value_high =
[- x, s ↝ If high_limit ≤ x Then value_high Else If x ≤ low_limit Then value_low Else s-]"
apply (simp add: RelayB_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f = demonic in HOL.arg_cong)
by fast
definition "PulseGenerator period phase_delay pulse_width amplitude dt = [: (i,c) ↝ y, i',c'. i'=i+1 ∧
(If (i * dt < phase_delay) Then (y = 0 ∧ c' = 0) Else
If (i * dt ≥ phase_delay ∧ (c * dt) < (pulse_width * period) ∧ (pulse_width * period) < period) Then (y=amplitude ∧ (c' = c + 1)) Else
If (i * dt ≥ phase_delay ∧ (c * dt) ≥ (pulse_width * period) ∧ (c * dt) < (period - dt) ∧ (pulse_width * period) < period) Then (y=0 ∧ (c' = c + 1))
Else (c' = 0 ∧ y = 0)):]"
lemma PulseGenerator_func: "PulseGenerator period phase_delay pulse_width amplitude dt =
[- i, c ↝
If (i * dt < phase_delay) Then (0, i + 1, 0) Else
If (i * dt ≥ phase_delay ∧ (c * dt) < (pulse_width * period) ∧ (pulse_width * period) < period) Then (amplitude, i+1, c + 1) Else
If (i * dt ≥ phase_delay ∧ (c * dt) ≥ (pulse_width * period) ∧ (c * dt) < (period - dt) ∧ (pulse_width * period) < period) Then (0, i+1, c + 1)
Else (0, i+1, 0)-]"
apply (simp add: PulseGenerator_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f = demonic in HOL.arg_cong)
by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff MyIf_def)
definition "PulseGeneratorA period phase_delay pulse_width amplitude dt = [: (i,c) ↝ y.
(If (i * dt < phase_delay) Then y = 0 Else
If (i * dt ≥ phase_delay ∧ (c * dt) < (pulse_width * period) ∧ (pulse_width * period) < period) Then y = amplitude
Else y = 0):]"
lemma PulseGeneratorA_func : "PulseGeneratorA period phase_delay pulse_width amplitude dt =
[- i, c ↝
If (i * dt < phase_delay) Then 0 Else
If (i * dt ≥ phase_delay ∧ (c * dt) < (pulse_width * period) ∧ (pulse_width * period) < period) Then amplitude Else 0 -]"
apply (simp add: PulseGeneratorA_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f = demonic in HOL.arg_cong)
by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff MyIf_def)
definition "PulseGeneratorB = [: i ↝ i'. i' = i + 1 :]"
lemma PulseGeneratorB_func: "PulseGeneratorB = [- i ↝ i + 1 -]"
by (simp add: PulseGeneratorB_def update_def)
definition "PulseGeneratorC period phase_delay pulse_width dt = [: (i,c) ↝ c'.
(If (i * dt < phase_delay) Then c' = 0 Else
If (i * dt ≥ phase_delay ∧ (c * dt) < (pulse_width * period) ∧ (pulse_width * period) < period) Then c' = c + 1 Else
If (i * dt ≥ phase_delay ∧ (c * dt) ≥ (pulse_width * period) ∧ (c * dt) < (period - dt) ∧ (pulse_width * period) < period) Then c' = c + 1
Else c' = 0) :]"
lemma PulseGeneratorC_func: "PulseGeneratorC period phase_delay pulse_width dt =
[- i, c ↝
If (i * dt < phase_delay) Then 0 Else
If (i * dt ≥ phase_delay ∧ (c * dt) < (pulse_width * period) ∧ (pulse_width * period) < period) Then c + 1 Else
If (i * dt ≥ phase_delay ∧ (c * dt) ≥ (pulse_width * period) ∧ (c * dt) < (period - dt) ∧ (pulse_width * period) < period) Then c + 1
Else 0-]"
apply (simp add: PulseGeneratorC_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f = demonic in HOL.arg_cong)
by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff MyIf_def)
definition "PulseGeneratorS period phase_delay pulse_width amplitude dt = [: t ↝ y, t'.
(If (t < phase_delay) Then (y = 0 ∧ t'= t + dt) Else
If t - phase_delay < period * pulse_width / 100 Then (y = amplitude ∧ t' = t + dt) Else
If t - phase_delay < period Then (y = 0 ∧ t'= t + dt)
Else (y = amplitude ∧ t' = t + dt - period)):]"
lemma PulseGeneratorS_func: "PulseGeneratorS period phase_delay pulse_width amplitude dt = [- t ↝
If (t < phase_delay) Then (0, t + dt) Else
If t - phase_delay < period * pulse_width / 100 Then (amplitude, t + dt) Else
If t - phase_delay < period Then (0, t + dt)
Else (amplitude, t + dt - period) -]"
apply (simp add: PulseGeneratorS_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f = demonic in HOL.arg_cong)
by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff MyIf_def)
definition "PulseGeneratorSA period phase_delay pulse_width amplitude dt = PulseGeneratorS period phase_delay pulse_width amplitude dt o [:y, t ↝ y' . y = y':]"
lemma PulseGeneratorSA_func: "PulseGeneratorSA period phase_delay pulse_width amplitude dt = [- t ↝
If (t < phase_delay) Then 0 Else
If t - phase_delay < period * pulse_width / 100 Then amplitude Else
If t - phase_delay < period Then 0
Else amplitude -]"
apply (simp add: PulseGeneratorSA_def PulseGeneratorS_def update_def demonic_demonic)
apply (rule_tac f = demonic in HOL.arg_cong)
by (auto simp add: fun_eq_iff MyIf_def)
thm PulseGeneratorS_def
definition "PulseGeneratorSB period phase_delay pulse_width dt = [: t ↝ t'.
(If (t < phase_delay) Then t' = t + dt Else
If t - phase_delay < period * pulse_width / 100 Then t' = t + dt Else
If t - phase_delay < period Then t' = t + dt
Else t' = t + dt - period) :]"
lemma PulseGeneratorSB_func: "PulseGeneratorSB period phase_delay pulse_width dt = [- λ t .
(If (t < phase_delay) Then t + dt Else
If t - phase_delay < period * pulse_width / 100 Then t + dt Else
If t - phase_delay < period Then t + dt
Else t + dt - period) -]"
apply (simp add: PulseGeneratorSB_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f=demonic in HOL.arg_cong)
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff MyIf_def)
lemma PulseGeneratorSB_func_real[simp]: "0 ≤ phase_delay ⟹ 0 < period ⟹ 0 < pulse_width ⟹ pulse_width < 100 ⟹
(λ (t::real) .
(If (t < phase_delay) Then t + dt Else
If t - phase_delay < period * pulse_width / 100 Then t + dt Else
If t - phase_delay < period Then t + dt
Else t + dt - period) )
= (λ (t::real) . (If t - phase_delay < period Then t + dt Else t + dt - period) )"
apply (simp add: fun_eq_iff MyIf_def, safe)
proof -
fix x
define a where "a ≡ pulse_width / 100"
assume " x * 100 - phase_delay * 100 < period * pulse_width"
from this have D: "x - phase_delay < period * a"
by (simp add: a_def)
assume "0 < pulse_width"
from this have A: "0 < a"
by (simp add: a_def)
assume "pulse_width < 100"
from this have B: "a < 1"
by (simp add: a_def)
assume "0 < period"
from this and A and B have C: "period * a < period"
by (simp add: mult_less_cancel_left2)
from C and D show "x - phase_delay < period"
by auto
definition "Step step_time initial_value final_value dt = [:i ↝ y, i'. i' = i + 1 ∧
y = (If (i * dt) < step_time Then initial_value Else final_value):]"
lemma Step_func: "Step step_time initial_value final_value dt = [- i ↝ If (i * dt) < step_time Then initial_value Else final_value, i+1-]"
apply (simp add: Step_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f = demonic in HOL.arg_cong)
by (auto)
definition "StepA step_time initial_value final_value dt = [:i ↝ y.
y = (If (i * dt) < step_time Then initial_value Else final_value):]"
lemma StepA_func: "StepA step_time initial_value final_value dt = [- i ↝ If (i * dt) < step_time Then initial_value Else final_value-]"
by (simp add: StepA_def update_def)
definition "StepB = [:i ↝ i'. i' = i + 1:]"
lemma StepB_func: "StepB = [- i ↝ i+1-]"
by (simp add: StepB_def update_def)
definition "StepT step_time initial_value final_value dt = [:t ↝ y, t'. t' = t + dt ∧
y = (If t < step_time Then initial_value Else final_value):]"
lemma StepT_func: "StepT step_time initial_value final_value dt = [- t ↝ If t < step_time Then initial_value Else final_value, t + dt-]"
apply (simp add: StepT_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f = demonic in HOL.arg_cong)
by (auto)
definition "StepTA step_time initial_value final_value dt = [:t ↝ y.
y = (If t < step_time Then initial_value Else final_value):]"
lemma StepTA_func: "StepTA step_time initial_value final_value dt = [- t ↝ If t < step_time Then initial_value Else final_value -]"
by (simp add: StepTA_def update_def)
definition "StepTB dt = [:t ↝ t'. t' = t + dt:]"
lemma StepTB_func: "StepTB dt = [- t ↝ t + dt-]"
by (simp add: StepTB_def update_def)
definition "TransferFcn k a dt = [:(x, i, s) ↝ (y, i', s'). y = (s * s_exp(a * i * dt) + k * x * s_exp(a * (i + 1) * dt) * dt) / s_exp(a * (i + 1) * dt) ∧
i' = i + 1 ∧ s' = y:]"
lemma TransferFcn_func: "TransferFcn k a dt = [- x, i, s ↝ (s * s_exp(a * i * dt) + k * x * s_exp(a * (i + 1) * dt) * dt) / s_exp(a * (i + 1) * dt),
i+1, (s * s_exp(a * i * dt) + k * x * s_exp(a * (i + 1) * dt) * dt) / s_exp(a * (i + 1) * dt)-]"
apply (simp add: TransferFcn_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f=demonic in HOL.arg_cong)
by auto
definition "TransferFcnA k a dt = [: (x, i, s) ↝ y. y = (s * s_exp(a * i * dt) + k * x * s_exp(a * (i + 1) * dt) * dt) / s_exp(a * (i + 1) * dt) :]"
lemma TransferFcnA_func: "TransferFcnA k a dt = [- x, i, s ↝ (s * s_exp(a * i * dt) + k * x * s_exp(a * (i + 1) * dt) * dt) / s_exp(a * (i + 1) * dt)-]"
by (simp add: TransferFcnA_def update_def split_def)
definition "TransferFcnB = [: i ↝ i'. i' = i + 1:]"
lemma TransferFcnB_func: "TransferFcnB = [- i ↝ i+ 1-]"
by (simp add: TransferFcnB_def update_def)
definition "TransferTFcn k a dt = [:(x, t, s) ↝ (y, t', s'). y = (s * s_exp(a * t) + k * x * s_exp(a * (t + dt)) * dt) / s_exp(a * (t + dt)) ∧
t' = t + dt ∧ s' = y:]"
lemma TransferTFcn_func: "TransferTFcn k a dt = [- x, t, s ↝ (s * s_exp(a * t) + k * x * s_exp(a * (t + dt)) * dt) / s_exp(a * (t + dt)),
t + dt, (s * s_exp(a * t) + k * x * s_exp(a * (t + dt)) * dt) / s_exp(a * (t + dt))-]"
apply (simp add: TransferTFcn_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f=demonic in HOL.arg_cong)
by auto
definition "TransferTFcnA k a dt = [: (x, t, s) ↝ y. y = (s * s_exp(a * t) + k * x * s_exp(a * (t + dt)) * dt) / s_exp(a * (t + dt)) :]"
lemma TransferTFcnA_func: "TransferTFcnA k a dt = [- x, t, s ↝ (s * s_exp(a * t) + k * x * s_exp(a * (t + dt)) * dt) / s_exp(a * (t + dt))-]"
by (simp add: TransferTFcnA_def update_def split_def)
definition "TransferTFcnB dt = [: t ↝ t'. t' = t + dt:]"
lemma TransferTFcnB_func: "TransferTFcnB dt = [- t ↝ t + dt-]"
by (simp add: TransferTFcnB_def update_def)
definition "SinWave amplitude frequency phase bias dt = [: i ↝ (y, i'). y = amplitude * s_sin(frequency * i * dt + phase) + bias ∧ i' = i + 1 :]"
lemma SinWave_func: "SinWave amplitude frequency phase bias dt = [- i ↝ amplitude * s_sin(frequency * i * dt + phase) + bias, i+1-]"
apply (simp add: SinWave_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f= demonic in HOL.arg_cong)
by auto
definition "SinWaveA amplitude frequency phase bias dt = [: i ↝ y. y = amplitude * s_sin(frequency * i * dt + phase) + bias :]"
lemma SinWaveA_func : "SinWaveA amplitude frequency phase bias dt = [- i ↝ amplitude * s_sin(frequency * i * dt + phase) + bias -]"
by (simp add: SinWaveA_def update_def)
definition "SinWaveB = [: i ↝ i'. i' = i + 1 :]"
lemma SinWaveB_func : "SinWaveB = [- i ↝ i + 1 -]"
by (simp add: SinWaveB_def update_def)
definition "SinWaveT amplitude frequency phase bias dt = [: t ↝ (y, t'). y = amplitude * s_sin(frequency * t + phase) + bias ∧ t' = t + dt :]"
lemma SinWaveT_func: "SinWaveT amplitude frequency phase bias dt = [- t ↝ amplitude * s_sin(frequency * t + phase) + bias, t + dt-]"
apply (simp add: SinWaveT_def update_def)
apply (rule_tac f= demonic in HOL.arg_cong)
by auto
definition "SinWaveTA amplitude frequency phase bias dt = [: t ↝ y. y = amplitude * s_sin(frequency * t + phase) + bias :]"
lemma SinWaveTA_func : "SinWaveTA amplitude frequency phase bias dt = [- t ↝ amplitude * s_sin(frequency * t + phase) + bias -]"
by (simp add: SinWaveTA_def update_def)
definition "SinWaveTB dt = [: t ↝ t'. t' = t + dt :]"
lemma SinWaveTB_func : "SinWaveTB dt = [- t ↝ t + dt -]"
by (simp add: SinWaveTB_def update_def)
fun MIN_S:: "'a::ord list ⇒ 'a" where
"MIN_S [] = Eps ⊤" |
"MIN_S [x] = x" |
"MIN_S (x # xs) = min x (MIN_S xs)"
fun MAX_S:: "'a::ord list ⇒ 'a" where
"MAX_S [] = Eps ⊤" |
"MAX_S [x] = x" |
"MAX_S (x # xs) = max x (MAX_S xs)"
definition "slope_val x xi xj yi yj = (yj - yi) * (x - xi) / (xj - xi) + yi"
definition "siggen_square x = (If s_sin x < 0 Then (-1::'a::simulink) Else (1::'a::simulink))"
lemmas additional_simps =
slope_val_def siggen_square_def MIN_S.simps MAX_S.simps
lemmas basic_block_rel_simps =
Gain_def Square_def Power_def Power10_def Exp_def Ln_def Sqrt_def Constant_def Saturation_def Relay_def Integrator_def
PulseGenerator_def Step_def TransferFcn_def
Scope_def Outport_def Inport_def
IntegratorA_def IntegratorB_def Terminator_def SinWave_def SinWaveA_def SinWaveB_def IntegratorLimit_def IntegratorLimitA_def IntegratorLimitB_def
lemmas basic_block_func_simps =
Gain_func Square_func Power_func Power10_func Exp_func Ln_func Sqrt_func Constant_func Saturation_func
Relay_func RelayA_func RelayB_func
Integrator_func IntegratorA_func IntegratorB_func
PulseGenerator_func PulseGeneratorA_func PulseGeneratorB_func PulseGeneratorC_func
PulseGeneratorS_func PulseGeneratorSA_func PulseGeneratorSB_func
TransferFcn_func TransferFcnA_func TransferFcnB_func
TransferTFcn_func TransferTFcnA_func TransferTFcnB_func
Scope_def Outport_def Inport_def
Step_func StepA_func StepB_func
StepT_func StepTA_func StepTB_func
SinWave_func SinWaveA_func SinWaveB_func
SinWaveT_func SinWaveTA_func SinWaveTB_func
IntegratorLimit_func IntegratorLimitA_func IntegratorLimitB_func
lemmas comp_rel_simps = Prod_spec_Skip Prod_Skip_spec Prod_demonic_skip Prod_skip_demonic Prod_demonic Prod_spec_demonic Prod_demonic_spec
comp_assoc [THEN sym] demonic_demonic comp_demonic_demonic assert_assert_comp comp_demonic_assert demonic_assert_comp
OO_def Prod_spec Fail_assert fail_assert_demonic fail_comp
prod_skip_skip skip_comp comp_skip prod_fail fail_prod
update_demonic_comp demonic_update_comp comp_update_demonic comp_demonic_update
lemmas comp_func_simps =
prod_update prod_update_skip prod_skip_update
prod_assert_update_skip prod_skip_assert_update
Prod_assert_skip Prod_skip_assert prod_assert_update
prod_assert_assert_update prod_assert_update_assert
prod_update_assert_update prod_assert_update_update
comp_update_update comp_update_assert update_assert_comp
update_comp comp_assoc [THEN sym]
Fail_def fail_comp update_fail assert_fail prod_fail fail_prod
prod_skip_skip skip_comp comp_skip
lemmas refinement_simps = assert_demonic_refinement spec_demonic_refinement
lemmas simulink_simps = basic_block_func_simps comp_func_simps
lemmas comp_var_simps = demonic_def assert_def le_fun_def Prod_spec_Skip Prod_Skip_spec Prod_demonic_skip Prod_skip_demonic Prod_demonic Prod_spec_demonic Prod_demonic_spec
comp_assoc [THEN sym] demonic_demonic comp_demonic_demonic assert_assert_comp comp_demonic_assert demonic_assert_comp OO_def Prod_spec Fail_assert
lemmas fail_simps = fail_def demonic_def Prod_spec_Skip Prod_Skip_spec Prod_demonic_skip Prod_skip_demonic assert_def le_fun_def Prod_demonic Prod_spec_demonic Prod_demonic_spec
comp_assoc [THEN sym] demonic_demonic comp_demonic_demonic assert_assert_comp comp_demonic_assert demonic_assert_comp OO_def Prod_spec Fail_assert
lemmas prec_simps = prec_def fail_def demonic_def Prod_spec_Skip Prod_Skip_spec Prod_demonic_skip Prod_skip_demonic assert_def le_fun_def Prod_spec_demonic Prod_demonic_spec
comp_assoc [THEN sym] demonic_demonic comp_demonic_demonic assert_assert_comp comp_demonic_assert demonic_assert_comp OO_def Prod_demonic Prod_spec Fail_assert
lemmas rel_simps = rel_def demonic_def Prod_spec_Skip Prod_Skip_spec Prod_demonic_skip Prod_skip_demonic assert_def le_fun_def Prod_demonic Prod_spec_demonic Prod_demonic_spec
comp_assoc [THEN sym] demonic_demonic comp_demonic_demonic assert_assert_comp comp_demonic_assert demonic_assert_comp OO_def Prod_spec Fail_assert
lemmas sconjunctive_simps = sconjunctive_simp_a sconjunctive_simp_b sconjunctive_simp_c
lemmas feedback_rel_simps = feedback_simp_a feedback_simp_b feedback_simp_bot
lemmas feedback_func_simps = feedback_update_simp_aaa feedback_update_simp_bbb feedback_simp_bot
lemmas feedbackless_func_simps = feedbackless_update_simp_aaa feedbackless_update_simp_bbb feedback_simp_bot
lemma [simp]: "(∃ x y z . x = f y z)"
by auto
lemma [simp]: "(∃ x y z . f y z = x)"
by auto
lemma [simp]: "(∃ x y . x = f y )"
by auto
lemma [simp]: "(∃ x y . f y = x)"
by auto
lemma [simp]: "(∀x::real. ¬ 0 ≤ x) = False"
by auto
lemma [simp]: "Ex ((≤) (0::real)) = True"
by auto
lemma [simp]: "(∃ a b . a + b = (x::'a::group_add)) = True"
apply auto
by (rule_tac x = 0 in exI, auto)
lemma common_imp_right_a[simp]: "((p ⟶ (a ∧ b)) ∧ (¬ p ⟶ (c ∧ b))) = (((p ⟶ a) ∧ (¬ p ⟶ c)) ∧ b)"
by auto
lemma common_imp_right_b[simp]: "((¬ p ⟶ (a ∧ b)) ∧ (p ⟶ (c ∧ b))) = (((¬ p ⟶ a) ∧ (p ⟶ c)) ∧ b)"
by auto
lemma common_imp_left_a [simp]: "((p ⟶ b ∧ a) ∧ (¬ p ⟶b ∧ c)) = (b ∧ (p ⟶ a) ∧ (¬ p ⟶ c))"
by auto
lemma common_imp_left_b [simp]: "((¬ p ⟶ b ∧ a) ∧ (p ⟶b ∧ c)) = (b ∧ (¬ p ⟶ a) ∧ (p ⟶ c))"
by auto
lemma common_dimp: "((p ⟶ (q ⟶ a)) ∧ (r ⟶ (q ⟶ b))) = (q ⟶ ((p ⟶ a) ∧ (r ⟶ b)))"
by auto
lemma fst_case_prod_eqa: "(⋀ x y . fst (f1 x y) = fst (f2 x y)) ⟹ fst (case_prod f1 p) = fst (case_prod f2 p)"
by (simp add: split_def)
lemma fst_case_prod_eqa_x: "(⋀ x y . f (f1 x y) = f (f2 x y)) ⟹ f (case_prod f1 p) = f (case_prod f2 p)"
by (simp add: split_def)
lemma fst_case_prod_eq: "fst (f1 (fst p1) (snd p1)) = fst (f2 (fst p2) (snd p2)) ⟹ fst (case_prod f1 p1) = fst (case_prod f2 p2)"
by (simp add: split_def)
lemma fst_case_prod_eqc: "(⋀ z . fst (f1 u z) = fst (f2 u' z)) ⟹ fst (case_prod f1 (u, x)) = fst (case_prod f2 (u', x))"
by (simp add: split_def)
lemma fst_case_prod_eqd: "(⋀ y z . fst (f1 y z) = fst (f2 y z)) ⟹ fst (case_prod f1 x) = fst (case_prod f2 x)"
by (simp add: split_def)
definition "Snd = snd"
lemma fst_case_prod_eqb: "(fst (case_prod f1 p1) = fst (case_prod f2 p2)) = (fst (f1 (fst p1) (Snd p1)) = fst (f2 (fst p2) (Snd p2)))"
by (simp add: split_def Snd_def)
lemma fst_case_prod_eqb_a: "(fst (case_prod f1 (u, x)) = fst (case_prod f2 (v, x))) = (fst (f1 u x) = fst (f2 v x))"
by (simp add: split_def Snd_def)
lemma fst_case_prod_eqb_b: "(fst (case_prod f1 p) = fst (case_prod f2 p)) = (fst (f1 (fst p) (Snd p)) = fst (f2 (fst p) (Snd p)))"
by (simp add: split_def Snd_def)
definition "FstA = fst"
lemma Fst_simp: "FstA (x,y) = x"
by (simp add: FstA_def)
lemma fst_case_prod_eqc_a: "(fst (case_prod f1 (u, x)) = fst (case_prod f2 (v, x))) = (FstA (f1 u x) = FstA (f2 v x))"
by (simp add: split_def Snd_def FstA_def)
lemma fst_case_prod_eqc_b: "(FstA (case_prod f1 p) = FstA (case_prod f2 q)) = (FstA (f1 (fst p) (Snd p)) = FstA (f2 (fst q) (Snd q)))"
by (simp add: split_def Snd_def)
lemma Snd_simp: "Snd (x, y) = y"
by (simp add: Snd_def)
lemma fst_case_prod_eqb_x: "(f (case_prod f1 p1) = f (case_prod f2 p2)) = (f (f1 (fst p1) (Snd p1)) = f (f2 (fst p2) (Snd p2)))"
by (simp add: split_def Snd_def)
lemma fst_case_prod_eqba: "(∀ x . fst (case_prod f1 x) = fst (case_prod f2 x)) = (∀ x y . fst (f1 x y) = fst (f2 x y))"
by (simp add: split_def)
lemma [simp]: "(p ∧ (p ⟶ q)) = (p ∧ q)"
by auto
lemma [simp]: "(∀ x. x ≠ y) = False"
by auto
lemma [simp]: "(∀ x. y ≠ x) = False"
by auto
lemma [simp]: "(∃ x::real. y ≠ x) = True"
apply safe
by (rule_tac x = "y+1" in exI, simp)
lemma [simp]: "(∃ x::real. x ≠ y) = True"
apply safe
by (rule_tac x = "y+1" in exI, simp)
lemma rel_if_expr_1: "p x z ⟹ p (if b then x else y) z = (b ∨ p y z)"
by auto
lemma rel_if_expr_2: "p y z ⟹ p (if b then x else y) z = (¬ b ∨ p x z)"
by auto
lemma rel_if_not_expr_1: "¬ p x z ⟹ p (if b then x else y) z = (¬ b ∧ p y z)"
by auto
lemma rel_if_not_expr_2: "¬ p y z ⟹ p (if b then x else y) z = (b ∧ p x z)"
by auto
lemma rel_expr_if_1: "p z x ⟹ p z (if b then x else y) = (b ∨ p z y)"
by auto
lemma rel_expr_if_2: "p z y ⟹ p z (if b then x else y) = (¬ b ∨ p z x)"
by auto
lemma rel_expr_if_not_1: "¬ p z x ⟹ p z (if b then x else y) = (¬ b ∧ p z y)"
by auto
lemma rel_expr_if_not_2: "¬ p z y ⟹ p z (if b then x else y) = (b ∧ p z x)"
by auto
lemma if_not: "(if ¬ b then x else y) = (if b then y else x)"
by auto
lemma rel_not_if_expr_1: "p y z ⟹ p (if ¬ b then x else y) z = (b ∨ p x z)"
by auto
lemma rel_not_if_expr_2: "p x z ⟹ p (if ¬ b then x else y) z = (¬b ∨ p y z)"
by auto
lemma rel_not_if_not_expr_1: "¬ p y z ⟹ p (if ¬ b then x else y) z = (¬ b ∧ p x z)"
by auto
lemma rel_not_if_not_expr_2: "¬ p x z ⟹ p (if ¬ b then x else y) z = (b ∧ p y z)"
by auto
lemma rel_expr_not_if_1: "p z y ⟹ p z (if ¬ b then x else y) = (b ∨ p z x)"
by auto
lemma rel_expr_not_if_2: "p z x ⟹ p z (if ¬ b then x else y) = (¬ b ∨ p z y)"
by auto
lemma rel_expr_not_if_not_1: "¬ p z y ⟹ p z (if ¬ b then x else y) = (¬ b ∧ p z x)"
by auto
lemma rel_expr_not_if_not_2: "¬ p z x ⟹ p z (if ¬ b then x else y) = (b ∧ p z y)"
by auto
lemma not_inf: "(¬ (x::real) < y) = (y ≤ x)"
by auto
lemmas if_simps = rel_if_expr_1 rel_if_expr_2 rel_if_not_expr_1 rel_if_not_expr_2 rel_expr_if_1 rel_expr_if_2 rel_expr_if_not_1 rel_expr_if_not_2
rel_not_if_expr_1 rel_not_if_expr_2 rel_not_if_not_expr_1 rel_not_if_not_expr_2 rel_expr_not_if_1 rel_expr_not_if_2 rel_expr_not_if_not_1 rel_expr_not_if_not_2
if_not not_inf MyIf_def