subsection‹HBD Translation Algorithms that use Feedback Composition›
theory HBDTranslationsUsingFeedback imports HBDTranslationProperties "../RefinementReactive/Refinement"
context BaseOperationVars
definition "TranslateHBD =
while_stm (λ As . length As > 1)(
[:As ↝ As' . ∃ Bs Cs . 1 < length Bs ∧ perm As (Bs @ Cs) ∧ As' = FB (Parallel_list Bs) # Cs:]
[:As ↝ As' . ∃ A B Bs . perm As (A # B # Bs) ∧ As' = (FB (FB A ;; FB B)) # Bs:]
o [-(λ As . FB(As ! 0))-]"
lemma [simp]:"Suc 0 ≤ length As_init ⟹
Hoare (λAs. in_out_equiv (FB (As ! 0)) (FB (Parallel_list As_init))) [-λAs. FB (As ! 0)-] (λS. in_out_equiv S (FB (Parallel_list As_init)))"
apply (rule hoare_update)
by (simp add: le_fun_def)
definition "invariant As_init n As = (length As = n ∧ io_distinct As ∧ in_out_equiv (FB (Parallel_list As)) (FB (Parallel_list As_init)) ∧ n ≥ 1)"
lemma io_diagram_Parallel_list: "∀ A ∈ set As . io_diagram A ⟹ distinct (concat (map Out As)) ⟹ io_diagram (Parallel_list As)"
proof (induction As)
case Nil
from Nil show ?case by simp
case (Cons A As)
show ?case
apply (simp)
apply (rule io_diagram_Parallel)
using Cons(2) apply simp
using Cons apply simp
using Cons(3) apply auto
by (simp add: Out_Parallel)
lemma io_diagram_Parallel_list_a: "io_distinct As ⟹ io_diagram (Parallel_list As)"
apply (rule_tac io_diagram_Parallel_list)
by (simp_all add: io_distinct_def)
thm Parallel_list_cons
thm Parallel_assoc_gen
thm ParallelId_left
thm io_diagram_Parallel_list
lemma Parallel_list_append: "∀ A ∈ set As . io_diagram A ⟹ distinct (concat (map Out As)) ⟹ ∀ A ∈ set Bs . io_diagram A
⟹ distinct (concat (map Out Bs))⟹
Parallel_list (As @ Bs) = Parallel_list As ||| Parallel_list Bs"
proof (induction As)
case Nil
from Nil show ?case
apply (simp )
apply (subst ParallelId_left, simp_all)
by (rule io_diagram_Parallel_list, simp_all)
case (Cons A As)
from Cons show ?case
apply simp
apply (subst Parallel_assoc_gen, simp_all)
apply (rule io_diagram_Parallel_list, simp_all)
by (rule io_diagram_Parallel_list, simp_all)
primrec sequence :: "nat ⇒ nat list" where
"sequence 0 = []" |
"sequence (Suc n) = sequence n @ [n]"
lemma "sequence (Suc (Suc 0)) = [0,1]"
by auto
lemma in_out_equiv_io_diagram[simp]: "in_out_equiv A B ⟹ io_diagram B ⟹ io_diagram A"
apply (unfold io_diagram_def)
apply (simp add: in_out_equiv_def, safe)
using dist_perm perm_sym apply blast
using dist_perm perm_sym by blast
thm comp_parallel_distrib
lemma in_out_equiv_Parallel_cong_right: "io_diagram A ⟹ io_diagram C ⟹ set (Out A) ∩ set (Out B) = {} ⟹ in_out_equiv B C
⟹ in_out_equiv (A ||| B) (A ||| C)"
proof -
assume "io_diagram A"
from this have [simp]: "TVs (In A) = TI (Trs A)" and [simp]: " TVs (Out A) = TO (Trs A)" and [simp]: "distinct (In A)" and [simp]: "distinct (Out A)"
by (unfold io_diagram_def, simp_all)
assume A: "io_diagram C"
from this have [simp]: "TVs (In C) = TI (Trs C)" and [simp]: " TVs (Out C) = TO (Trs C)" and [simp]: "distinct (In C)" and [simp]: "distinct (Out C)"
by (unfold io_diagram_def, simp_all)
assume "set (Out A) ∩ set (Out B) = {}"
assume B: "in_out_equiv B C"
from this have [simp]: "perm (In B) (In C)" and [simp]: "perm (Out B) (Out C)" and [simp]: "Trs B = [In B ↝ In C] oo Trs C oo [Out C ↝ Out B]"
by (simp_all add: in_out_equiv_def)
from A and B have "io_diagram B"
by simp
from this have [simp]: "TVs (In B) = TI (Trs B)" and [simp]: " TVs (Out B) = TO (Trs B)" and [simp]: "distinct (In B)" and [simp]: "distinct (Out B)"
by (unfold io_diagram_def, simp_all)
have [simp]: "[In A ⊕ In B ↝ In A ⊕ In C] oo ([In A ⊕ In C ↝ In A @ In C] oo (parallel (Trs A) (Trs C))) oo [Out A @ Out C ↝ Out A @ Out B] =
[In A ⊕ In B ↝ In A ⊕ In C] oo [In A ⊕ In C ↝ In A @ In C] oo parallel (Trs A) (Trs C) oo [Out A @ Out C ↝ Out A @ Out B]"
by (simp add: comp_assoc)
have [simp]: "... = [In A ⊕ In B ↝ In A @ In C] oo parallel (Trs A) (Trs C) oo [Out A @ Out C ↝ Out A @ Out B]"
by (subst switch_comp, simp_all)
have "[In A ⊕ In B ↝ In A @ In B] oo parallel (Trs A) ([In B ↝ In C] oo Trs C oo [Out C ↝ Out B])
= [In A ⊕ In B ↝ In A @ In B] oo parallel ([In A ↝ In A] oo Trs A oo [Out A ↝ Out A]) ([In B ↝ In C] oo Trs C oo [Out C ↝ Out B])"
by simp
also have "... = [In A ⊕ In B ↝ In A @ In B] oo (
parallel [In A ↝ In A] [In B ↝ In C] oo parallel (Trs A) (Trs C) oo parallel [Out A ↝ Out A] [Out C ↝ Out B])"
apply (subst comp_parallel_distrib [THEN sym])
apply simp_all [2]
apply (subst comp_parallel_distrib [THEN sym])
by simp_all
also have " ... = [In A ⊕ In B ↝ In A @ In B] oo (
parallel [In A ↝ In A] [In B ↝ In C] oo parallel (Trs A) (Trs C) oo[Out A @ Out C ↝ Out A @ Out B])"
by (metis ‹distinct (Out A)› ‹distinct (Out C)› ‹perm (Out B) (Out C)› ‹set (Out A) ∩ set (Out B) = {}› distinct_append order_refl par_switch perm_set_eq)
also have "... = [In A ⊕ In B ↝ In A @ In B] oo parallel [In A ↝ In A] [In B ↝ In C]
oo parallel (Trs A) (Trs C) oo[Out A @ Out C ↝ Out A @ Out B]"
apply (subst comp_assoc, simp_all)
apply (subst comp_assoc)
apply (subst TI_par)
using TI_switch TO_switch TVs_append apply presburger
apply simp
apply (subst comp_assoc)
using TI_comp TI_par TI_switch TO_par TO_switch TVs_append ‹TVs (In A) = TI (Trs A)› ‹TVs (In C) = TI (Trs C)› apply presburger
apply simp
by (subst comp_assoc, simp_all)
also have "... = [In A ⊕ In B ↝ In A @ In C] oo parallel (Trs A) (Trs C) oo[Out A @ Out C ↝ Out A @ Out B]"
by (simp add: Trs_Parallel_list_aux_b)
finally show "in_out_equiv (A ||| B) (A ||| C)"
by (simp add: in_out_equiv_def Parallel_def)
lemma perm_map: "perm x y ⟹ perm (map f x) (map f y)"
by (simp add: perm_mset)
lemma distinct_concat_perm: "⋀ Y . distinct (concat X) ⟹ perm X Y ⟹ distinct (concat Y)"
proof (induction X)
case Nil
from Nil show ?case by simp
case (Cons a X)
from Cons(3) obtain A B where [simp]: "Y = A @ a #B" and [simp]: "perm X (A @ B)"
by (simp add: split_perm, blast)
from Cons(1) have "distinct (concat X) ⟹ perm X (A @ B) ⟹ distinct (concat (A @ B)) "
by blast
from this and Cons(2) have A: "distinct (concat (A @ B))" by simp
from Cons(2) have "distinct (concat X)" by simp
from Cons(2) have [simp]: "distinct a" by simp
have "set (X) = set (A @ B)"
using ‹perm X (A @ B)› perm_set_eq by blast
from this and Cons(2) show ?case
using A apply simp
by auto
lemma distinct_Par_equiv_a: "⋀ Bs . ∀ A ∈ set As . io_diagram A ⟹ distinct (concat (map Out As)) ⟹ perm As Bs ⟹
in_out_equiv (Parallel_list As) (Parallel_list Bs)"
proof (induction As)
case Nil
from ‹perm [] Bs› show ?case
apply (simp)
by (rule in_out_equiv_refl, simp)
case (Cons A As)
have "A ∈ set Bs"
using Cons.prems(3) perm_set_eq by fastforce
from this obtain Cs Ds where A: "Bs = Cs @ A # Ds"
by (metis split_list)
have [simp]: " perm As (Ds @ Cs)"
using Cons(4) and A
by (simp add: perm_mset)
have [simp]: "∀ A ∈ set Cs . io_diagram A"
using A Cons.prems(1) Cons.prems(3) perm_set_eq by fastforce
have [simp]: "∀ A ∈ set Ds . io_diagram A"
using A Cons.prems(1) Cons.prems(3) perm_set_eq by fastforce
have B: "distinct (concat (map Out Bs))"
apply (rule distinct_concat_perm)
apply (rule Cons(3))
apply (rule perm_map)
using Cons(4) by simp
from this and A have [simp]: "distinct (concat (map Out Cs))"
by simp
from B and A have [simp]: "distinct (concat (map Out Ds))"
by simp
have [simp]: "io_diagram A"
using Cons(2) by simp
from this have [simp]: "distinct (Out A)"
by (unfold io_diagram_def, simp)
have [simp]: " io_diagram (Parallel_list Ds)"
by (rule io_diagram_Parallel_list, simp_all)
have [simp]: "io_diagram (Parallel_list Cs)"
by (rule io_diagram_Parallel_list, simp_all)
have [simp]: "set (Out A) ∩ set (Out (Parallel_list As)) = {}"
using Cons(3) by (simp add: Out_Parallel)
have [simp]: "∀ A ∈ set As . io_diagram A"
using Cons(2) by simp
have [simp]:"distinct (concat (map Out As))"
using Cons(3) by simp
from B and A have [simp]: "set (Out A) ∩ (⋃a∈set Ds. set (Out a)) = {}"
by simp
have [simp]: "set (Out A) ∩ set (Out (Parallel_list Ds)) = {}"
by (simp add: Out_Parallel)
from B and A have [simp]: "set (Out (Parallel_list Ds)) ∩ set (Out (Parallel_list Cs)) = {}"
by (simp add: Out_Parallel, auto)
from B and A have [simp]: "set (Out (Parallel_list Cs)) ∩ set (Out A) = {}"
by (simp add: Out_Parallel)
from B and A have [simp]: "set (Out (Parallel_list Cs)) ∩ set (Out (Parallel_list Ds)) = {}"
by (simp add: Out_Parallel)
from B and A have [simp]:"(set (Out A) ∪ set (Out (Parallel_list Ds))) ∩ set (Out (Parallel_list Cs)) = {}"
by (simp add: Out_Parallel, auto)
have [simp]:"io_diagram (A ||| Parallel_list Ds)"
by (rule io_diagram_Parallel, simp_all)
from Cons(1)
have "in_out_equiv (Parallel_list As) (Parallel_list (Ds @ Cs))"
by simp
from this have [simp]: "in_out_equiv (Parallel_list As) (Parallel_list Ds ||| (Parallel_list Cs))"
by (simp add: Parallel_list_append)
have [simp]:"io_diagram (Parallel_list Ds ||| Parallel_list Cs)"
by (rule io_diagram_Parallel, simp_all)
have [simp]: "io_diagram (Parallel_list As)"
by (rule io_diagram_Parallel_list, simp_all)
have [simp]: "io_diagram (A ||| Parallel_list As)"
by (rule io_diagram_Parallel, simp_all)
have [simp]: "io_diagram (A ||| Parallel_list Ds ||| Parallel_list Cs)"
by (rule io_diagram_Parallel, simp_all)
have [simp]: "io_diagram (Parallel_list Cs ||| (A ||| Parallel_list Ds))"
by (rule io_diagram_Parallel, simp_all)
from A show ?case
apply (simp_all add: Parallel_list_append)
apply (rule_tac B = "(A ||| Parallel_list Ds) ||| Parallel_list Cs" in in_out_equiv_tran, simp_all)
apply (subst Parallel_assoc_gen, simp_all)
apply (rule in_out_equiv_Parallel_cong_right, simp_all)
by (rule in_out_equiv_Parallel, simp_all)
thm distinct_concat_perm
thm perm_map
lemma distinct_FB: "distinct (In A) ⟹ distinct (In (FB A))"
by (simp add: FB_def Let_def)
lemma io_distinct_FB_cat: "io_distinct (A # Cs) ⟹ io_distinct (FB A # Cs)"
apply (simp add: io_distinct_def)
apply safe
apply (simp_all add: FB_def Let_def set_diff) [4]
apply auto [2]
by (rule Type_ok_FB, simp)
lemma io_distinct_perm: "io_distinct As ⟹ perm As Bs ⟹ io_distinct Bs"
apply (simp add: io_distinct_def)
apply safe
apply (rule distinct_concat_perm)
apply (simp_all)
apply (rule perm_map, simp)
apply (rule_tac X = "map Out As" in distinct_concat_perm, simp_all)
apply (rule perm_map, simp)
using perm_set_eq by blast
lemma [simp]: "distinct (concat X) ⟹ op_list [] (⊕) (X) = concat X"
apply (induction X, simp_all)
by (simp add: addvars_distinct)
lemma [simp]: "io_distinct As ⟹ perm As (Bs @ Cs) ⟹ io_distinct (FB (Parallel_list Bs) # Cs)"
apply (rule io_distinct_FB_cat)
apply (drule_tac Bs = "Bs @ Cs" in io_distinct_perm, simp_all)
apply (simp add: io_distinct_def In_Parallel Out_Parallel)
apply safe
by (rule io_diagram_Parallel_list, simp_all)
lemma io_distinct_append_a: "io_distinct As ⟹ perm As (Bs @ Cs) ⟹ io_distinct Bs"
apply (drule_tac Bs = "Bs @ Cs" in io_distinct_perm, simp_all)
by (simp add: io_distinct_def)
lemma io_distinct_append_b: "io_distinct As ⟹ perm As (Bs @ Cs) ⟹ io_distinct Cs"
apply (drule_tac Bs = "Bs @ Cs" in io_distinct_perm, simp_all)
by (simp add: io_distinct_def)
lemma [simp]: "io_distinct As ⟹ perm As (Bs @ Cs) ⟹ io_diagram (FB (FB (Parallel_list Bs) ||| Parallel_list Cs))"
apply (rule Type_ok_FB)
apply (rule io_diagram_Parallel)
apply (rule Type_ok_FB)
apply (drule io_distinct_append_a, simp_all)
apply (simp add: io_diagram_Parallel_list_a)
apply (drule io_distinct_append_b, simp_all)
apply (simp add: io_diagram_Parallel_list_a)
apply (subgoal_tac " set (Out ((Parallel_list Bs))) ∩ set (Out (Parallel_list Cs)) = {}")
apply (subgoal_tac "set (Out (FB (Parallel_list Bs))) ⊆ set (Out ((Parallel_list Bs)))")
apply auto [1]
apply (simp add: FB_def Let_def)
apply (simp add: Out_Parallel)
apply (drule io_distinct_perm, simp_all)
by (simp add: io_distinct_def)
lemma [simp]: "io_distinct As ⟹ io_diagram (FB (Parallel_list As))"
apply (rule Type_ok_FB)
by (simp add: io_diagram_Parallel_list_a)
lemma io_distinct_set_In[simp]: " io_distinct x ⟹ perm x (A # B # Bs) ⟹ set (In A) ∩ set (In B) = {}"
apply (drule io_distinct_perm, simp_all)
by (simp add: io_distinct_def)
lemma io_distinct_set_Out[simp]: " io_distinct x ⟹ perm x (A # B # Bs) ⟹ set (Out A) ∩ set (Out B) = {}"
apply (drule io_distinct_perm, simp_all)
by (simp add: io_distinct_def)
lemma distinct_Par_equiv_b: "io_distinct As ⟹ perm As (Bs @ Cs) ⟹ in_out_equiv (FB (FB (Parallel_list Bs) ||| Parallel_list Cs)) (FB (Parallel_list As))"
proof -
assume [simp]: "io_distinct As"
assume [simp]: "perm As (Bs @ Cs)"
have [simp]: "io_diagram (Parallel_list Bs)"
apply (rule io_diagram_Parallel_list_a)
by (rule_tac As = As and Cs = Cs in io_distinct_append_a, simp_all)
have [simp]: "io_diagram (FB (Parallel_list Bs))"
by (rule Type_ok_FB, simp)
have [simp]: "io_diagram (Parallel_list Cs)"
apply (rule io_diagram_Parallel_list_a)
by (rule_tac As = As and Bs = Bs in io_distinct_append_b, simp_all)
have [simp]: "(⋃a∈set Bs. set (Out a)) ∩ (⋃a∈set Cs. set (Out a)) = {}"
apply (cut_tac As = As and Bs = "Bs @ Cs" in io_distinct_perm, simp_all)
by (simp add: io_distinct_def)
have Aa[simp]: "set (In (Parallel_list Bs)) ∩ set (In (Parallel_list Cs)) = {}"
apply (simp add: In_Parallel)
apply (cut_tac As = As and Bs = "Bs @ Cs" in io_distinct_perm, simp_all)
by (simp add: io_distinct_def)
have Ab[simp]: "set (Out (Parallel_list Bs)) ∩ set (Out (Parallel_list Cs)) = {}"
by (simp add: Out_Parallel)
have [simp]: "set (In (FB (Parallel_list Bs))) ∩ set (In (Parallel_list Cs)) = {}"
apply (subgoal_tac "set (In ((Parallel_list Bs))) ∩ set (In (Parallel_list Cs)) = {}")
apply (subgoal_tac "set (In (FB (Parallel_list Bs))) ⊆ set (In ((Parallel_list Bs)))")
apply (auto simp del: Aa) [1]
by (auto simp add: FB_def Let_def set_diff)
have [simp]: "set (Out (FB (Parallel_list Bs))) ∩ set (Out (Parallel_list Cs)) = {}"
apply (subgoal_tac "set (Out ((Parallel_list Bs))) ∩ set (Out (Parallel_list Cs)) = {}")
apply (subgoal_tac "set (Out (FB (Parallel_list Bs))) ⊆ set (Out ((Parallel_list Bs)))")
apply (auto simp del: Ab) [1]
by (auto simp add: FB_def Let_def set_diff)
have [simp]:"Ball (set Bs) io_diagram"
apply (cut_tac As = As and Bs = Bs and Cs = Cs in io_distinct_append_a, simp_all)
by (simp add: io_distinct_def)
have [simp]:"Ball (set Cs) io_diagram"
apply (cut_tac As = As and Bs = Bs and Cs = Cs in io_distinct_append_b, simp_all)
by (simp add: io_distinct_def)
have [simp]:" distinct (concat (map Out Bs))"
apply (cut_tac As = As and Bs = Bs and Cs = Cs in io_distinct_append_a, simp_all)
by (simp add: io_distinct_def)
have [simp]:"distinct (concat (map Out Cs))"
apply (cut_tac As = As and Bs = Bs and Cs = Cs in io_distinct_append_b, simp_all)
by (simp add: io_distinct_def)
have [simp]:"io_diagram (Parallel_list As)"
by (simp add: io_diagram_Parallel_list_a)
have A: "FB (FB (Parallel_list Bs) ;; FB (Parallel_list Cs)) = FB (Parallel_list Bs ||| Parallel_list Cs)"
by (subst FeedbackSerial, simp_all)
show ?thesis
apply (subst FeedbackSerial, simp_all)
apply (subst FB_idemp, simp_all)
apply (simp add: A)
apply (subst Parallel_list_append [THEN sym], simp_all)
apply (rule in_out_equiv_FB, simp_all)
apply (rule distinct_Par_equiv_a, simp_all)
apply auto [1]
by (simp add: perm_sym)
lemma distinct_Par_equiv: "io_distinct As_init ⟹ Suc 0 ≤ length As_init ⟹
length As = w ⟹ io_distinct As ⟹ in_out_equiv (FB (Parallel_list As)) (FB (Parallel_list As_init)) ⟹
Suc 0 < w ⟹ Suc 0 < length Bs ⟹ perm As (Bs @ Cs) ⟹
io_distinct (FB (Parallel_list Bs) # Cs) ∧ in_out_equiv (FB (FB (Parallel_list Bs) ||| Parallel_list Cs)) (FB (Parallel_list As_init))"
apply simp
apply (rule_tac B = "FB (Parallel_list As)" in in_out_equiv_tran, simp_all)
by (rule distinct_Par_equiv_b, simp_all)
lemma AAAA_x[simp]: "io_distinct As_init ⟹ Suc 0 ≤ length As_init ⟹ invariant As_init w x ⟹ Suc 0 < length x ⟹ Suc 0 < length Bs
⟹ perm x (Bs @ Cs)
⟹ invariant As_init (Suc (length Cs)) (FB (Parallel_list Bs) # Cs)"
by (simp add: invariant_def, safe, simp_all add: distinct_Par_equiv)
term "{1,2,3} - {2,3}"
thm ParallelId_right
lemma [simp]: "io_distinct As_init ⟹
Suc 0 ≤ length As_init ⟹ invariant As_init w x ⟹ Suc 0 < length x ⟹ perm x (A # B # Bs)
⟹ invariant As_init (Suc (length Bs)) (FB (FB A ;; FB B) # Bs)"
apply (subst FeedbackSerial [THEN sym])
apply (simp_all add: invariant_def)
apply (drule perm_set_eq, simp add: io_distinct_def)
apply (drule perm_set_eq, simp add: io_distinct_def)
apply (rule io_distinct_set_In, simp_all)
apply (rule io_distinct_set_Out, simp_all)
apply (cut_tac Bs = "[A,B]" and Cs = Bs and w = w in AAAA_x, simp_all)
apply (simp add: invariant_def)
apply (simp add: invariant_def)
apply (subst (asm) ParallelId_right, simp_all)
apply (drule perm_set_eq, simp add: io_distinct_def)
apply (subst (asm) ParallelId_right, simp_all)
by (drule perm_set_eq, simp add: io_distinct_def)
lemma [simp]: "io_distinct As_init ⟹ Suc 0 ≤ length As_init ⟹
Hoare (invariant As_init w ⊓ (λAs. Suc 0 < length As))
[:As↝As'.∃Bs. Suc 0 < length Bs ∧ (∃Cs. perm As (Bs @ Cs) ∧ As' = FB (Parallel_list Bs) # Cs):] (Sup_less (invariant As_init) w)"
apply (rule hoare_demonic, safe)
apply (simp add: Sup_less_def)
apply (rule_tac x = "invariant As_init (Suc (length Cs))" in exI, safe)
apply (rule_tac x = "(Suc (length Cs))" in exI, simp_all)
apply (simp add: invariant_def, safe)
by (drule perm_length, simp)
lemma [simp]: "io_distinct As_init ⟹ Suc 0 ≤ length As_init ⟹
Hoare (invariant As_init w ⊓ (λAs. Suc 0 < length As))
[:As↝As'.∃A B Bs. perm As (A # B # Bs) ∧ As' = FB (FB A ;; FB B) # Bs:] (Sup_less (invariant As_init) w)"
apply (rule hoare_demonic, safe)
apply (simp add: Sup_less_def)
apply (rule_tac x = "invariant As_init (Suc (length Bs))" in exI, safe)
apply (rule_tac x = "(Suc (length Bs))" in exI, simp_all)
apply (simp add: invariant_def, safe)
apply (drule perm_length, simp)
theorem CorrectnessTranslateHBD: "io_distinct As_init ⟹ length As_init ≥ 1 ⟹
Hoare (io_distinct ⊓ (λ As . As = As_init)) TranslateHBD (λ S . in_out_equiv S (FB (Parallel_list As_init)))"
apply (simp add: TranslateHBD_def)
apply (simp add: hoare_sequential)
apply (rule_tac x = "λ As . in_out_equiv (FB (As ! 0)) (FB (Parallel_list As_init))" in exI)
apply simp
apply (rule_tac p = "invariant As_init" in hoare_while_a, simp_all)
apply (simp add: hoare_choice, safe)
apply (simp_all add: invariant_def, safe)
apply (rule in_out_equiv_refl)
apply (rule Type_ok_FB)
apply (rule io_diagram_Parallel_list_a, simp)
apply (case_tac x, simp)
apply clarify
proof -
fix a list
assume B: "in_out_equiv (FB (Parallel_list (a # list))) (FB (Parallel_list As_init))"
assume A: "io_distinct (a # list)"
assume "Suc 0 = length (a # list)"
from this have [simp]: "list = []"
by simp
from A have [simp]: "io_diagram a"
by (simp add: io_distinct_def)
have [simp]: "FB (Parallel_list (a # list)) = FB a"
by simp
from B show "in_out_equiv (FB ((a # list) ! 0)) (FB (Parallel_list As_init))"
by simp